FC 9FT GIANTS のトップファッションモデルたちが、テレビのバラエティ番組 でヒールを履いてランウェイを歩くのではなく、サッカースパイクを履いてピッチに立つことを発表したとき、誰も彼女たちに魅了されるとは思わなかっただろう。しかし、彼女たちが美しいスポーツに魅了され、お互いに助け合いながらチームになっていく姿を見て、私たちは深い感動を覚えました。
When these top fashion models from FC 9FT GIANTS announced that they will start wearing soccer boots on football pitch, instead of walking down runways with heels for a TV variety program, no one would have expected to be enraptured by their charm. Nonetheless, watching them falling in love with the beautiful sport and becoming a team by getting each other’s back as teammates, we were deeply moved.
Who would have guessed? Even they wouldn’t had known what they were capable of.
Lee Hyunyi
‘What the heck, I’ll just give it a try.’
“Never have I thought for my entire life that I would be playing football. I was like, ‘what the heck, I’ll just give it a try.’ And that’s how it all started.
Soo Min Cha
I never knew that it feels good to be soaked in sweat.
“Ok… Let’s just do it.”
It was just a TV show at first. However, whether they happened to find the real fun in the sport or enjoyed the time spent with their teammates, a nationwide phenomenon of women expressing interests in challenging something new told us one thing for sure; a lot of people were moved by their passion.
Haena Song
Left : Irene Kim Center : Haena Song Right : Lee Hyunyi
I never knew I would take a penenka kick.
“It’s not a sport that you can win with just your own talent. You need your teammates to cover your weak spots.”
Many people regardless of age and gender shed tears as they watched the models getting back on their feet to continue playing despite severe injuries, not giving up on the game until the whistle blew.
Irene Kim
I never knew I would feel more confident in my keeper gloves than in fancy outfits.
“When I’m with my team, I feel more confident anywhere I go.”
One common comment from all of them was that because of football that came out of nowhere, they were blessed to realize yet again how precious the people around them are along with new and unexpected opportunities.
Kim Jinkyung
人生は予測不可能だから、チャンスがあるならば、恐怖心を振り払って挑戦する価値があるだろう。 チャンスという名の扉を開ければ、その奥には別の扉が待っているはず。その瞬間を楽しんでみませんか?
I never knew that football could make me cry.
“I wasn’t serious at first, but as it became more like a documentary, I also found myself taking it as a real challenge.”
Life is unpredictable, so if we have chance, it will be worth it to shake off the fear and give it a try. If we open a door called ‘opportunity’, there will be other doors waiting for us behind it, so why not enjoy the moment?
Left : Soo Min Cha Center : Han Hyejin Right : Kim Jinkyung
GOALSTUDIOのスローガンは"LIVE THE GOAL" みんなが何かを夢見て、その夢を応援することを意味している。Hyejin に目標を聞く前に、以前のインタビューでの彼女のコメントを思い出した。
この Hyejin の答えは、厳しい現実の中で失敗を続け落胆し、むしろ何も期待しないことを選んだ多くの人々を慰めた。しかし、彼女の答えは、「それでも何かを夢見なければならない」というものだった。大きなものではなくても、何か1つでもいいから自分の小さな目標を持って、自分を褒めてあげてください。目の前に設定された目標を達成すると、『つい次の目標を考えてしまう』のです。彼女の話を聞いていると、彼女の目標に対する考え方がさらに安心感を与えてくれました。
My goal seems to get clearer and bigger as I accomplish each challenge.
The slogan of GOALSTUDIO is ‘LIVE THE GOAL’. It is to encourage everyone to dream about something and support their dreams. Before asking Hyejin what her goal is, I was able to recall her comment from one of her previous interviews. “I have no dream. The two questions I hate most are what my future plans and dreams are.” This answer by Hyejin consoled many people, who were discouraged from continued failures in such a harsh reality and chose rather not to get their hopes up on anything. Nonetheless, her answer to the question was that we still have to dream about something. Even though it may not be big, we must at least have one small and simple goal of our own to give credit to ourselves. As we accomplish the goals set right in front of us, ‘we tend to think about the next one.’ Listening to what she says, her views on goals came as even more consoling and reassuring.
Left : Lee Hyunyi Right : Han Hyejin
"Just give it a try. これが私の言いたいことです。興味のあることを始めてみませんか?WHO KNOWS?"
“Just give it a try. This is all I want to say. Why don’t you start doing something that intrigues you? WHO KNOWS?”